Voiceover / Voice Over / Voice Acting


Isabella Laforet's Commercial Voiceover Demo
Isabella's Commercial Voiceover Demo was produced by Trey Murphy of Murphy Media
Isabella Laforet's Demo 2023.mp3
MP3 audio file [2.4 MB]


Isabella's Voiceover Journey
Isabella started out doing radio and voiceovers at local, independent radio stations when she was 13 years old.  She wanted to pursue a voiceover career in New York City in the late 90s, but her funky accent, which is a combo of New York accent infused with German, Spanish and French notes, was frowned upon in a major market, so she pursued a successful career behind the scenes in Radio and Entertainment instead.


With the world of Voiceover getting more inclusive, there is finally a place for her colorful accent and Isabella is ready, determined and motivated to lend her soothing voice to clients and projects! 

Her professional background is also giving her a great advantage in the world of Voiceover, as she understands marketing, client needs, how to write & interpret copy, how to relay messages and reach the consumer. 



Voiceover Coaching & Workshop history

Tina Morasco (Commercial)
Thom Pinto (Narration)

Donovan Corneetz (Promo & Commercial) 

Richard Redfield (Trailer & Promo) 

Joe Cipriano - Promo Masterclass 

Voice-Masters - Commercial & Animation Coaching (Paulette Lifton & Mimi Maynard), Business of Voiceover Course

Mark Sweeney - Commercial Coaching Level 1 & Advanced
Tom Antonellis - Dialect Coaching

Atlanta Voiceover Studio - Commercial Coaching / Workshops (Brian Bremer) 

“The Man With The Voice” Marcellus “Bassman” Shepard - Commercial Coaching

VO Heaven / Larry Hudson - Audacity Workshop

Robert “Hollywood” Rhodes – Coaching & Technical Training

Zurek “Rick Party” Pickens – Coaching, Commercial, Promo, Narration, Dialect 



Homestudio capabilities:


Rode NTG3 Shotgun mic

Rode NT1-5th Gen mic

Steinberg UR 22 mk II Interface

Source Connect certified


Find me on Voice123.com


Connect with Isabella on LinkedIn


Or contact her directly for your Voiceover needs at info@QuietFireEnt.com